Friday, October 14, 2016

Is our life a computer program?

    I think that the idea of someone, or something, being capable of controlling everyone's lives with a computer program is not only mind boggling, but also quite legitimate. It's scary to think that our lives and everything we know is possibly embedded into a computer. In social studies today we learned that the Hindus believe that the earth we live isn't real because everything around us, including our selves is never the same because it's always changing. I think that you could apply this to Neil DeGrasse Tyson's question in some sense. Also, when I used the google virtual reality thing, I was really surprised about how realistic it was and have thought that in the future, at the technological rate we are increasing at now, in the future we'll probably be able to recreate all the senses we feel now in virtual reality. I don't agree with the theory though because if we were a computer program, why would we be programmed to think or wonder that we were a program?

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